Read the Committee of 100’s, “Detailed analysis of the explanatory text, policies and actions in the Mayor’s Comp Plan Rewrite reveal serious flaws that would cripple citizens from participating meaningfully in land use decisions and perpetuate gentrification throughout the city.”

The C100, an organization that has been following planning in DC for decades explain thoroughly that Mayor’s proposed changes to the DC Comprehensive Plan:
“… Fails to reckon honestly with the city’s inequities and past failures, laying the groundwork for repeating the same mistakes in the future.Current land use policies have permitted the worst gentrification in the nation with the accompanying displacement of tens of thousands of Black residents, many among the District’s most vulnerable people.”
“Faulty data, missing data and discredited theories underlie the policies and actions promoted in the [Mayor’s changes to the] Plan.”
“The vision of an inclusive city has not materialized and the promise of revitalized neighborhoods with strong education options, a safe and clean environment, vibrant commercial areas with essential services, job opportunities for all residents, and healthy recreation opportunities have not been attained throughout the District.”
“The amendments do not describe adequately the extent to which the District exists in two separate economies. It recites inequities, then goes on to propose policies that will exacerbate the situation.”
The DC Grassroots Planning Coalition Steering Committee has endorsed the Committee of 100 report, “Unmasking the Rewrite: How to Make the Comprehensive Plan Work for DC” and ask you consider downloading and reading it here.